Parenting Classes
Build Family Connection Mom's Group: Parent With Connection
Fall 2015
Our group is a gathering place for mothers to continually learn in their parenting journey. Experience has shown that as parents deliberately and consistently re-focus their efforts, they feel more confident and progress in their relationships with family members. This has certainly been true for my family and we hope to create similar experiences for you and your family. This is not a formal Parenting the Love and Logic Way© class. We will spend some time on techniques taught in class, but this learning circle expands into a variety of topics; all focused on building connection and strengthening family relationships. The goal is to create a place of learning and provide tangible techniques for women to focus on increasing the connection in their family. Each session will include: 15 minutes reviewing concepts and highlights from the previous week, 45 minutes of instruction and discussion on a new topic, and 30 minutes of question and answer on topics relevant to you and your family right now. Possible topics include: Helping Things Go Right, Internet Safety, Protecting Families Against Pornography, How to Curb Whining and Arguing, Creating Win-Win and Looking for “Yes”, Gaining Wisdom from Experience, Shifting the Tide of Entitlement with Service and Gratitude, 5 Love Languages, Building Self Concept and Discovering Strengths, Age Appropriate Chores and Teaching Children to Value Work, Sibling Rivalry, Talking Sex and Drugs, Making the Most Out of Family Time, Successful Family Meetings, and more. |
9:30-11:00 am September 10 and 24th October 8 and 22 November 12 December 10 January 7 and 28 February 11 and 25 March 10 and 24 April 14 and 28 *Registration Includes 1 Hour Personal Coaching Session* Sign Up Here Cost: $250 Location: Lindsay/McKellips Mesa, AZ 85213 Creating a win-win. Early Registration: Back to School Special Through Monday 8/17 at Midnight $200 Sign Up With a Friend and Save If you are registering as a group, please email me at [email protected] and provide the names of those in your group. Financial Assistance May Be Available. Email for detail |
If you are in Scottsdale, join me at Scottsdale Parenting Group!
This playful and creative workshop is for any girl between
9 and 12 who wants to stand confidently in her world.
Join me for an upcoming workshop and learn to parent with greater confidence and build a positive relationship with your child
Parent with Connection
To schedule a private class or workshop,
please contact Michelle at [email protected].
Check back for updated offerings or send me a note expressing interest in a specific age group or topic.
Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun!
Designed for Ages 0-6
Parenting the Love and Logic Way
Designed for All Ages